Thursday, March 11, 2010

Justin Bieber, the Next Michael Jackson?... Seriously?

The latest hot artist in pop culture is 16 year old, Justin Drew Bieber. He sings, dances & plays both guitar & drums. He's trending day in and day out on Twitter, and is already released his second album (My World 2.0), the kid is doing well for himself. Sounds like a slam dunk right? Sure. But with so much love for the Bieb, there's also equal part "haters," I think it's less to to with his talent and more to do with people already declaring him the next King of Pop. Number one, there's only one King of Pop, his name is Michael Joseph Jackson. His dear friend Elizabeth Taylor declared him the King, so if anyone should have the right to rename a King, it's her, she gave the title in the first place. Though, as I already stated, there's ONLY ONE King of Pop. But I'm getting off point, back to Bieber.

I'm not hating on Justin at all, the kid can sing, no one's denying him that. But I think "they" throw around the term "the new King of Pop" and "the next Michael Jackson" a little to loosely and certainly a little too quickly. And what makes Justin so credible as to earn such a complimentary allegation? Is it because he can glide/moonwalk? It seems so. The same things have been said about Usher and Justin Timberlake and the common link, the trend I'm seeing is that they do a few of Michael's signature moves. It's not that Bieber, Timberlake & Usher aren't good artist in their own rights, but none of them is in Michael's league. Michael's name falls in with our greatest of great. You mean to tell me the list that includes Michael Jackson, Prince, the Beatles, Madonna and Elvis should amend itself to include Justin Bieber? I don't think so.

In reality, Justin has miles and miles to go before he can even consider himself in the running to be anything close, to being close, to a portion Micheal's talent. Michael wasn't just a dancing puppet or half decent singer. He wrote, produced, arranged & choreographed his way into musical history, and was a fashion icon. Michael started culling his craft well before he was even in double digits! Micheal's ability was just as much gift as it was a life long practiced craft. That's what makes HIM special.

Copying Michael doesn't make you the next Michael Jackson, King of Pop... taking inspiration and going BEYOND would make you bigger... better... but let's be real, no one will ever top Michael. Because there isn't anyone who is capable of going beyond the heavens...and that's where Michael Joseph Jackson's talent came from. He is a one of a kind gift to the world, he's the one and only King of Pop. He's the one and only Michael Jackson.

That is all.

Peace, Luv & Oatmeal

the League of Extraordinary Genius

When you think about the greatest musical entertainers of all time, there are a few top dogs that come to mind, Michael Jackson (of course), Prince, James Brown, Little Richard and Ray Charles, perhaps. Ever wonder what it’d be like to be a fly on the wall while they all sat around interacting with each other? Or wonder what goes through the minds of say, Michael Jackson & Prince when they run into each other at some Hollywood shindig? I was talking to Husband last night, and we got to wondering how those conversations would go.

After a short brainstorm, I’ve decided that a sketch show would be a brilliant idea. Each of these artist are uber talented in their own right, and to boot, they are all interesting personalities, with signature mannerisms. so that alone could be entertaining. The aim wouldn’t be to insult, or be taken seriously. But a sketch show centered on these major artist, retellings of actual life events (much like Charlie Murphy’s tellings of Prince & Rick James) or Chris Tucker’s tellings of his time with Michael. Perhaps at times guest narrators to tell the funny events (as impersonators play out the scenes), ex security, managers, friends ect. I’d like to reiterate that this isn’t intended to make fun of or humiliate these legendary artist, but to show the humorous side of their lives. Between the five of them, there’s got to be a million funny stories to be reenacted, or skits that could be done with all the legends in one room, almost like a new version of THE VIEW, as they discuss current events & music. They'd be like the musical genius Justice League..LoL...Could you imagine?

I know it might be a little too soon with Michael passing last June, but still in yet; it might help to be able to find laughter with him & with all the other greats. I think the show could be a hit, the possibilities are endless! So you get a better impression of what I’m talking about as far as stories and mannerisms, I’m going to include some videos below! Be sure to watch them, and leave comments with what you think of the idea!!

Peace, Luv & Oatmeal


:::Sketch Example:::
Imagine CHRIS TUCKER narrating a story of some silly shenanigans he & Michael into, while a caricature of the scene is played out w/ actors.
The example below, isn't exactly the type of stories I'm thinking of sharing, but you get the idea of how the skits could go.

If done w/ love, not hate, impressions of these famous mannerisms could be hilarious! I've only put up one of the 5 artist I've mentioned...but I think you can get the idea. They've all got such individual styles & mannerisms...LoL.

Little Richard